Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Delivery Of The Homeless People - 2003 Words

Regarding restoration of the nations, I will first attempt to untangle the economic upheaval. The gold taken from your treasuries belongs to your nations. It matters not if the gold is in Israel or your vaults. All nations are to return to use their monetary system. All industries in the world are to continue operating forty hours a week; however, employees will work only twenty hours a week. In so doing, one job will be divided between two people. One person will work at the job eight hours Monday and Tuesday and four hours Wednesday morning. Another will work at the same job Wednesday afternoon and eight hours Thursday and Friday. I am sure you will adjust wherever needed. As you can see, with such a design, there will not be one†¦show more content†¦My people, I know you are hungry and homeless and are in poor health. I realize you are poor and barren by no fault of your own. I tell you, blessed are the poor and barren. My Father has promised to provide for you as His own children. You have suffered long and have been loyal to me. You are to prosper as Gods children should prosper. God will provide your needs to ensure you are not in want. My Fathers wealth is my wealth, and I have come to share my abundance with you. If you have no food, nor shelter, nor medicines, the Son of Man shall provide your needs. Allow me to share my inheritance with you. If you should need food, get what you need and charge your nourishment to me. If you need shelter, obtain the shelter needed and charge the cost to me. Buy yourself a house, no, two houses, one for winter and one for summer, and rejoice your faith is the foundation. If you should need medicines, obtain the medicines and allow me to pay for your care. I give you permission to charge anything you desire to me. I will apply for a credit card and give you the number for you to carry and use at your discretion as a supplement. If you should need money, take a cash advance for yourself. I suspect there will be a monthly limitation established for each person. You have suffered for my name and have run your race. You were loyal and faithful to the end and had trulyShow MoreRelatedVulnerable Population and Self Awareness Paper1620 Words   |  7 Pagespaper will discuss the homeless as a vulnerable population; the demographics of the homeless; a personal awareness of the homeless including attitudes, biases, and stereotypes prior to studying homelessness; the impact of research on personal attitudes after gathering knowledge about the homeless; and how the knowledge might affect the delivery of healthcare to the homeless. Homeless Demographics In the United States, statistics show an increase in the number of homeless people. The National CoalitionRead MoreBest Practices Of Service Delivery For Homeless Woman?981 Words   |  4 Pagesutilization of indication of evidenced-based research like journals or professional publications that identify best practices of service delivery for homeless woman from the previous assignment called System Map Part I. Through the assignment, there will be use of various models of evaluation, evaluating the effectiveness of the services provided for the homeless woman population. Furthermore, this assignment will be a proposal on how services may be improved, changed, and better delivered. ThereRead MoreAnalyzing Self Awareness Amongst the Vulnerable Populations in United States1360 Words   |  5 PagesAll people have biases; self-awareness is the key to understanding how these biases affect the delivery of health care to individuals, families, and populations. 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American Journal of Public Health, 103(S2)Read MoreInformative Speech912 Words   |  4 Pagesone, but yet can be spoke of in depth due to the fact I see many homeless people but never thought it would be me until I seen a family friend who has lost everything, this is what made me more aware that it is not just a choice and any day it could be me. So when you see a homeless person do not judge it could be you. The Thesis and Key Points 2. The Speakers thesis statement is clear and limited to one main Idea, homeless people. The speaker limiting the thesis to one main idea was a great ideaRead MoreMental Health Service Delivery Models1146 Words   |  5 PagesMental health illness is related to a group of illness, anxiety and stress are the most common health problems. Mental illness affects how a person feels, thinks, behaves, and interacts with other people (Department of Health, 2007). 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Essay on Curleys Wife Of Mice and Men - 527 Words

Steinbecks novel Of Mice and Men explores the everyday lives of migrant workers during the Great Depression. In this era, American men were forced to leave their families and become drifters. These were people who didnt have a fixed job and continually moved from place to place. Of Mice and Men is based around two main themes; loneliness, and the fragility of dreams. Each main character connects with both of these themes at some stage throughout the novel. Curleys wife is no exception to this. At the beginning of the novel the reader views her as an unpleasant, naive and troublesome character. However, as the novel progresses, the reader is gradually exposed to another side of Curleys wife, one that suggests she is merely a†¦show more content†¦However, when she notices George and Lennie, Curleys wife claims she is lookin for Curley. Inferring she is cautious and reserved towards George and Lennie. The colour red is also used a lot to describe Curleys wife. Steinbeck describes her as having rouged lips, red mules and red ostrich feathers. Suggesting red is a colour that is associated with Curleys wife, and that she signifies danger. Adding to this, during Curleys wifes conversation with George and Lennie, Lennies eyes moved up and down her body. This immediately alerts the reader that Curleys wife is dangerous. As previously George and Lennie had to run from their last job in Weed, due to Lennies attraction to petting soft things. After this conversation, George calls her jailbait and a rattrap, he knows that she is dangerous, and warns Lennie to keep out of her way. It is evident from these points that Curleys wife is a dangerous and provocative character, and one that should be avoided. Generally, during the course of the novel, women are viewed negatively. They are seen as objects, not real people. For example, throughout the novel, Curleys wife is merely known as Curleys wife. She is never called by her real name. The term Curleys wife implies she is owned by Curley, and not a person with freedom. From this, the reader can tell that Curleys wife lives in an unfair World, in an era of inequality. This suggests SteinbeckShow MoreRelatedOf Mice and Men - Crooks and Curleys Wife721 Words   |  3 Pagesin his novella, â€Å"Of Mice and Men.† Steinbeck uses the characters of Crooks and Curley’s wife to display that although one character is a black male and the other, a white woman, they still have similar traits. These factors like discrimination, loneliness and shattered dreams make Crooks and Curley’s wife parallel. Crooks and Curley’s wife suffer from discrimination around the ranch. Steinbeck expresses discrimination, or prejudice, very simply by refusing to give Curleys wife a name. She is displayedRead MoreCurleys Wife of Mice and Men1809 Words   |  8 PagesDafalla I HAVE USED MY NOTES TO ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS Part A) What methods does Steinbeck use to present Curley’s wife? In the passage the first words that Steinbeck uses are that â€Å"Both men glanced up,† and through this we are introduced to Curley’s wife through her effect on men and not through any notion of herself, which Steinbeck does to show us she is only worthy for the use of men. Not so long after in the sentence we are told â€Å"the rectangle of sunshine in the doorway way cut off.† HereRead MoreCurleys Wife in Steinbecks Of Mice and Men Essay1399 Words   |  6 PagesCurleys Wife in Steinbecks Of Mice and Men The story OF Mice and Men by John Steinbeck is set in California, U.S.A during the Great Depression in the 1930s. The Depression was a time of economic downfall which caused very high unemployment in western nations, one of the worst hit being the U.S.A. This caused lots of people to become homeless and Jobless, this also cause people to become awfully depressed in the harshest of lifestyles and in some incidents peopleRead More Of Mice And Men - Curleys Wife Essay example1156 Words   |  5 PagesOf Mice And Men - Curleys Wife â€Å"I never seen no piece of jail-bait worse than her† (George) what is the reader supposed to think about Curley’s wife? In the Steinbeck novel ‘Of Mice and Men’, he introduces us to the character of Curley’s wife. She could be interpreted as a mis-fitting character in the novel, as no one relaters to her. This essay will go on to examine the character of Curley’s wife and how characters perceive her and how this influences the readers interpretation of her. Read More Curleys Wife and Crooks in John Steinbecks Of Mice and Men607 Words   |  3 PagesCurleys Wife and Crooks in Of Mice and Men - Lord Chesterfield once said, You must look into people, as well as at them. If you apply this logic to Curleys wife and Crooks in the book, Of Mice and Men, you will find that they are the same in many ways despite their differences in race and sex. These two unfortunate souls live in a world full of shattered dreams, discrimination, and loneliness. Langston Hughes once said, Hold fast to dreams for if dreams die, life is a brokenRead MoreHow Curleys wife is presented in Of Mice and Men by Steinbeck2118 Words   |  9 PagesExplore the ways one or two minor characters are presented in the text â€Å"Of Mice and Men† â€Å"I never get to talk to nobody† – Curley’s Wife Of mice and men is a novella set in the 1930s. It is based on the theme of dreams and how they are crushed, amongst others. This book also gives an insight into the lives of men and women on ranch in America during the depression. Women pot the right to vote in the late 1920s, but during the depression, people lost interest in the women’s rights. There was aRead MoreOf Mice and Men: Explore Your Response to Curleys Wife1423 Words   |  6 PagesMy initial response to the character of Curleys wife was that of intense dislike- I found Steinbeck to subtly prejudice us, as readers, against her, before she even made a physical appearance in the text. Upon reflection, I perceive Curleys wife in some ways to be the most important figure in the novel- she is a key symbol of temptation, and most of the storys main underlying themes: dreams, isolation and loneliness, for example, can be related to her in some way. To an extent, she can be blamedRead More What Contribution Does Curleys Wife Make to Of Mice and Men?637 Words   |  3 PagesWhat Contribution Does Curleys Wife Make to Of Mice and Men? Curleys wife is the most dangerous character in the novel, because she is the loneliest one. Because of her need for attention, she destroys George and Lennies dream of living off the fatta the lan. The appearance and clothing of Curleys wife have a symbolic meaning. She is described as a purty woman because she is always made up. Even on the ranch she has full, rouged lips and her hair lies in little rolled clustersRead MoreCurleys Wife in John Steinbecks Of Mice and Men Essay example2012 Words   |  9 PagesCurleys Wife in John Steinbecks Of Mice and Men In this essay I am going to examine whether Curleys wife is a tart or not. I will consider how some of the other characters in this novel, Of Mice and Men, perceive her. Using this information I will draw a conclusion about her personality and nature. A tart is defined as someone who dresses up gaudily and exposes her body features to attract the opposite sex. It is usually described for someone who is a prostitute. Read MoreOf Mice and Men: Is Curleys Wife a Victim or Villian?2527 Words   |  11 PagesJohn Steinbeck presents Curley’s wife at the start of the story as an irrelevant character because she has no relation with George and Lennie. At the start, Curley is one of the most important characters (besides George and Lennie) because he has the power to crush George and Lennie’s dream of having a farm of your own. But as the story goes on, to end, we see the importance of her character and that everything that has happened on the ranch is caused by her presence; even though she is not in the

Friday, December 13, 2019

Project Selection and Risks Free Essays

Project selection should be done in a manner that address external risk before the project commences. Consequently the personnel selecting the project should also understand the deferral risk before making the decision of deferring the project. In many projects of organizations, they neither simply avoids risk since if it is not properly managed can result to a great loss. We will write a custom essay sample on Project Selection and Risks or any similar topic only for you Order Now However taking risk is a necessary condition in creation of wealth. Most projects take risks deliberately especially when it is their advantage. Risk can affect a project negatively if the selection of the project can not manage, understand, and price it. Before selecting project, there is need to recognize, accept and understand the risks involved that can lead to the project failure or have little potential of going up. When risks evaluation is poorly done, it can lead to unrecognized and high risk projects that have potential of endangering the whole enterprise. Selecting a project wisely can lead to taking advantage of low risk and thus benefiting much from the project. Most projects usually fail because of lack of consideration of important risk factors that can ruin the project. A good model of selecting a project is supposed to be put in place so as to avoid frustrations in the project when things turn out to be worse. Every thing proposed in a project may be implemented as well as people put more efforts in the project but at the end the project fail if the selection did not take into account the risks that may be involved in it. Senior officials may make their decisions but if they do not understand the risk which may be involved, the project may not be able to do better. In order to reduce loss after selecting a project, there is need to have knowledge of the project so as to make a sound plan and also understand on the right or appropriate technology that should be used in the project. Before selecting the project you have to understand on the problems that may encounter it and also there is a need to first discover what you do not know about the project to reduce the risk of failure. Risk can be reduced by identifying it and understanding on the specific impact that can affect the project so as to take action and address the risk. If the risk has been understood and identified, ideas should be generated to modify the plan of project to reduce the risk. Furthermore, identifying risk of the project can be useful in reducing risk for any similar project that may be conducted in future. In order to reduce risk in selecting a project the process of selecting the project should be reputable in that the project proposal needs to be clear with high level statement in the scope, objective and expected success measure. The project should have estimate of high level and magnitude needed in the implementation of the project and there should be discussion of the alternative risks and approaches in each approach. The process of selecting the project must also be cross-functional in that senior representatives must be part of it in the selection. It further has to be multidimensional by recognizing the set of the viable project. The selection process also must also recognize that there is no single or obvious metrics based on better results in picking any one project to operate and this can prevent the optimistic approach. How to cite Project Selection and Risks, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Strategic Development for Pepsico free essay sample

A report on the strategic development of the soft drink company, Pepsico. The paper shows that although Pepsi has dynamic strategic planning capabilities, it still cannot capture the competitors markets and consumer loyalty that Coke possesses. It shows how Pepsi drastically needs to change its strategies so that it can capture a larger market and utilize its resources to the maximum. Various issues are addressed, including: Strengths (campaign leadership, organizational structure, retailers), Weaknesses (customer loyalty), Opportunities (brands, channels, geographical growth, technology), Threats and Strategic Planning. Firstly Pepsi should expand its revenue. Currently the revenue is the same as Cokes but the difference is that Coke generates the same amount from the local market as the amount that Pepsi generates from its international markets combined. That is how strong a hold Coke has on the local market. Defeating Coke in its local market would mean that Pepsi is on top. We will write a custom essay sample on Strategic Development for Pepsico or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It is going to be very difficult to expand itself here and capture the local market because from the past experiences Pepsi has learned that Coke will apply any legal or illegal means to deter Pepsi from strengthening itself. So to increase the revenue, it would be wise to capture the international; markets and establish itself there. This is achievable because Pepsi gives competitive prices and can manage to sell internationally at prices that are equal lent to the local market that they intend to penetrate. That is why consumers internationally readily accept Pepsi.